D.C. students wrote letters to the editor of The Washington Post to address the lack of coverage of the attack on ethnic studies in Tucson.
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Tiffany Mitchell, 7th grade history teacher at Cesar Chavez Public Charter School in Washington, D.C., describes how her students spoke about the ban on ethnic studies in Tucson on Cesar Chavez Day.
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At the end of February, 120 9th-grade students and their teachers at E. L. Haynes…
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With the release of the Universal Pictures film, The Lorax, based on Dr. Seuss’s classic “environmental” book of the same name, we share an article by Bill Bigelow about the lessons children learn (and don’t learn) from the book and film about the causes of environmental ruin and how to organize for change.
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The Network of Teacher Activist Groups (TAG), a national coalition of grassroots teacher organizing groups, …
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By Jozi Zwerdling
Quezada and Benson were two of 16 educators referred by Rethinking Schools and Teaching for Change’s Zinn Education Project along with colleagues across the nation for the Civic Voices’ International Democracy Memory Bank Project. Civic Voices, administered by the American Federation of Teachers Educational Foundation (AFTEF), and funded by the U.S. Department of Education, is an “international civic education exchange program that involves teachers and students from around the world in preserving the legacy of their countries’ democratic struggles.” The Zinn Education Project was thrilled to introduce this extraordinary opportunity to educators. The highlight for them was a three-day seminar in Birmingham, Ala., in the fall of 2011.
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Seattle’s Garfield High School teacher Jesse Hagopian was arrested during an “Occupy the Capitol” protest…
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The Zinn Education Project is pleased to have more than 15,000 registered users from every…
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The voting for the 2011 CREDO Donations Ballot is now closed.
However, you can still…
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More than 100 students and teachers at Capital City Public Charter School had the opportunity to hear from 1968 Olympic icon and political activist John Carlos and sportswriter Dave Zirin on Oct. 3, 2011. As part of the national book tour to launch The John Carlos Story, Carlos and Zirin spoke to the students about that moment in history, the limited explanations given in textbooks, and its continued significance.
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The Zinn Education Project is honored that Bill Bigelow and Julian Hipkins were invited on…
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