Theme: Wars & Related Anti-War Movements

Wars & Related Anti-War Movements

Robeson in Spain

Book — Non-fiction. By The Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives. 2009. 25 pages.
Booklet in graphic novel format on Paul Robeson's involvement in the Spanish Civil War.
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The Good Soldier

Film. Directed by Lexy Lovell and Michael Uys. 2009. 79 minutes.
Documentary that offers examples of these too-often-forgotten "good soldiers" who, in different ways, tried to follow their consciences.
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Soldiers of Conscience

Film. By Catherine Ryan and Gary Weimberg. 2007. 86 minutes.
Documentary about war, peace, and U.S. soldiers in Iraq, from active military to conscientious objectors, wrestling with conscience over killing in war.
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Speaking Out: Women, War and the Global Economy

Teaching Guide (with DVD). By Jan Haaken, Ariel Ladum, et al. 2005.
Interactive lessons on the 1990s civil war in Sierra Leone and broader issues such as cross-cultural awareness, the global trade in diamonds and guns, and the effects of war on women.
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Bound for the Rio Grande | Zinn Education Project

Bound for the Rio Grande: Traitors — Or Martyrs

Background Reading (PDF) and Song. Reading by Milton Meltzer and song by David Rovics. 1974. 4 pages and 5 minutes.
The story of the San Patricio Battalion, Irish-American soldiers who deserted the U.S. Army during the U.S.-Mexican War and fought on the side of the Mexicans.
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The Bomb

Book — Non-fiction. By Howard Zinn. 2010. 100 pages.
Zinn's personal reflections and political analysis on the WWII bombing of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Royan, and more.
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Vietnam: An Antiwar Comic Book

Book — Non-fiction. By Julian Bond and illustrated by T. G. Lewis. 1967. 19 pages.
This "graphic novel" from the 1960s was written to provide a critical analysis of the Vietnam War in an easy to read format.
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When We Were Kings

Film. Directed by Leon Gast. 1996. 89 minutes.
Documentary about the famous heavyweight championship match between Muhammad Ali and George Foreman.
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