Teaching Activity. By Adam Sanchez and Nqobile Mthethwa. 25 pages.
A mixer role play explores the connections between different social movements during Reconstruction.
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Teaching Activity. By Adam Sanchez. Rethinking Schools. 24 pages.
A series of role plays that explore the history and evolution of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, including freedom rides and voter registration.
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Teaching Activity. By Adam Sanchez and Jesse Hagopian. Rethinking Schools. 33 pages.
A mixer lesson introduces students to the pivotal history of the Black Panthers.
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Article. By Clyde Kennard. 1959.
Letter to the editor the Hattiesburg American about race and integration.
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In an effort to stop the implementation of Brown v. Board through terrorism, 16-yr-old John Earl Reese was killed in Mayflower, Texas.
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Teaching Activity. By Ursula Wolfe-Rocca.
In this lesson, students analyze who is to blame for the illegal, mass deportations of Mexican Americans and immigrants during the Great Depression.
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The Ku Klux Klan carried out the Colfax Massacre in response to a Republican victory in the 1872 elections.
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Two hate crime shootings in one week, one of African American shoppers in Kentucky and the other of Jewish worshippers in Pittsburgh.
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Luther Jackson was murdered by Philadelphia, Mississippi policeman Lawrence Rainey.
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Book — Non-fiction. By Khaled Beydoun. 2018. 264 pages.
Describes the many ways in which law, policy, and official state rhetoric fueled the resurgence of Islamophobia in the United States
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Sergeant Edgar Caldwell, a Black man, was hanged before a crowd of spectators in the yard of the Calhoun County jail for riding in a white streetcar.
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White people attacked and killed many Black citizens who had organized for a Black sheriff to remain in office during the Vicksburg Massacre.
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Nearly 50 African-Americans were killed by white mobs during the Clinton Riot.
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Palo Verde, La Loma, and Bishop were close-knit Mexican American communities that were destroyed in the 1950s to make way for Dodger Stadium.
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Joseph H. Rainey, from South Carolina, was the first African-American to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives.
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Secretary of State William H. Seward declared the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution to have been adopted.
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The mass execution of 38 Dakota Indians was ordered by President Abraham Lincoln.
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Picture book. By Lesa Cline-Ransome and James E. Ransome. 2017. 32 pages.
An illustrated biography of Harriet Tubman written in verse.
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Book — Historical fiction. By Margarita Engle. 2018. 192 pages.
A novel that uses free verse to tell the story of the 1943 Zoot Suit (or Sailor) Riots through a wide range of characters.
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The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution, known as the United States Bill of Rights, were ratified.
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Book — Non-fiction. By Barbara Ransby. 2018. 240 pages.
"A love letter to the organizers in the Movement for Black Lives, and a tribute to their increasingly expansive vision."
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African Americans in Little Rock organized a boycott and “we walk” league to protest the Streetcar Segregation Act.
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A group of African Americans presented a petition for freedom to the Massachusetts Council and the House of Representatives.
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Four African Americans (including one minister and three farmers; one of the farmers was a woman) were lynched in Hamilton, Georgia.
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