Theme: Organizing



Film. Directed by Patrick Sammon and Bennett Singer. 2020. 82 min. and 35 min. versions
The award-winning PBS documentary Cured chronicles a pivotal moment in LGBTQ+ history: the early 1970s campaign to remove the diagnosis of homosexuality from the American Psychiatric Association’s manual of mental disorders.
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June 9, 1964: Bloody Tuesday

Following months of protests to end segregation, Black residents of Tuscaloosa, Alabama were brutally attacked by police and the Klan inside the First African Baptist Church.
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Dismantling Mass Incarceration: A Handbook for Change

Book — Non-fiction. Edited by James Forman, Premal Dharia, and Maria Hawilo. 2024. 496 pages.
Surveys various approaches to confronting the carceral state, exploring bold but practical interventions involving police, prosecutors, public defenders, judges, prisons, and even life after prison.
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