Theme: LGBTQ


Women, Gays, and Other Voices of Resistance

Teaching Activity. By Jack Bareilles.
Questions and teaching ideas for Chapter 19 of Voices of a People's History of the United States on the emergence and legacy of the 1960s counterculture, as well as the movements it helped create.
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How to Survive a Plague

Film. Directed by David France. Public Square Films. 2012. 109 minutes.
This documentary is about the early years of the AIDS epidemic, and the grassroots movement of activists, many of them in a life-or-death struggle, who seized upon scientific research to help develop the drugs that turned HIV from a mostly fatal infection to a manageable disease.
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June 28, 1969: Stonewall Riots

Police arrived at the Stonewall Inn and arrested anyone found to be cross-dressing, resulting in mayhem and what are now referred to as the Stonewall Riots. This was a milestone in a long history of LGBTQ+ activism.
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Rethinking Sexism, Gender, and Sexuality (Teaching Guide) | Zinn Education Project: Teaching People's History

Rethinking Sexism, Gender, and Sexuality

Teaching Guide. Edited by Annika Butler-Wall, Kim Cosier, Rachel Harper, Jeff Sapp, Jody Sokolower, and Melissa Bollow Tempel. Rethinking Schools. 2016. 476 pages.
A collection of essays on how to create a nurturing classroom at different grade levels, curriculum, teachers coming out, organizing beyond classroom walls, and integrating LGBTQ+ content into teacher education programs and ongoing teacher education.
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Gays in History

Poster. By Laurie Casagrande.
Features 10 well-known women and men in the arts who were gay or lesbian from throughout history.
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The Times of Harvey Milk

Film. Directed by Rob Epstein. 1984. 90 minutes.
Documentary on the political career and assassination of Harvey Milk, San Francisco's first openly gay supervisor.
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LGBTQ+ History in High School Classes in the United States since 1990

LGBTQ+ History in High School Classes in the United States Since 1990

Book — Non-fiction. By Stacie Brensilver Berman. 2021. 296 pages.
Based on interviews with high school teachers about integrating LGBTQ+ history in their classes, this book offers the first detailed portrait of educators and activists championing a more inclusive and accurate vision of U.S. history.
Teaching Activity by Stacie Brensilver Berman
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Film. Directed by Patrick Sammon and Bennett Singer. 2020. 82 min. and 35 min. versions
The award-winning PBS documentary Cured chronicles a pivotal moment in LGBTQ+ history: the early 1970s campaign to remove the diagnosis of homosexuality from the American Psychiatric Association’s manual of mental disorders.
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