Film. Directed by Lucy Massie Phenix and Catherine Murphy. 2019. 9 minutes.
Documentary about Citizenship Schools.
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Book — Non-fiction. Edited by Denisha Jones and Jesse Hagopian. 2020.
This collection of writings offers lessons from successful challenges to institutional racism that have been won through the grassroots Black Lives Matter at School movement.
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Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves' state budget proposal include three million dollars for a “Patriotic Education Fund,” which argues that "the United States is the greatest country in the history of the world."
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Book — Non-fiction. By Lawrence Goldstone. 2021.
A portrait of the road to the landmark Brown v. Board of Education case.
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Book — Non-fiction. By Julian Bond. Edited by Pam Horowitz and Jeanne Theoharis with an afterword by Vann Newkirk II. 2021. 356 pages.
For over two decades, civil rights activist Julian Bond taught a popular class on the history of the Civil Rights Movement. This book contains the wisdom and teachings from that class.
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Book — Non-fiction. By Michael Long. 2021. 204 pages.
A history of children's activism in the United States, focusing on 20th and 21st-century marches, strikes, and social justice movements.
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Film. Directed and produced by Ray Santisteban. Nantes Media LLC. 2019. 56 minutes.
In this documentary, Chicago's Black Panther Party forms alliances across lines of race and ethnicity with other community-based movements in the city to collectively confront issues such as police brutality and substandard housing.
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Book — Non-fiction. By Vanessa Siddle Walker. 2018.
This history tells the little-known story of how Black educators in the South laid the groundwork for 1954’s Brown v. Board of Education and weathered its aftermath.
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Book — Non-fiction. By Carter G. Woodson, with an introduction by Jarvis Givens. 2023. 224 pages.
Originally released in 1933, The Mis-Education of the Negro continues to resonate today, raising questions about the legacy of slavery and enduring white supremacy.
Teaching Activity by Carter G. Woodson
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Book — Non-fiction. Edited by Michael Charney, Jesse Hagopian, and Bob Peterson. 2021.
Teacher Unions and Social Justice is an anthology of more than 60 articles documenting the history and the how-tos of social justice unionism.
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Article. By Ruth Shagoury.
A review of children's picture books about the life of Helen Keller reveals the omission of any description of her active role in key social movements of the 20th century.
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Teaching Activity. By Bob Peterson. Rethinking Schools. 7 pages.
How a 5th grade teacher and his students conducted research to answer the question: “Which presidents owned people?” Available in Spanish.
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Teaching Guide. By James W. Loewen. 2010. 264 pages.
A wealth of ideas on how to rethink the teaching of U.S. history.
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Book — Non-fiction. By Paulo Freire. 1968; republished in 2000, 2018. 192 pages.
Classic text on critical pedagogy.
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Book — Non-fiction. Edited by Joel Westheimer. Foreword by Howard Zinn. 2007. 219 pages.
Educators address the politics of patriotism in schools.
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Book — Non-fiction. By Dana Lindaman and Kyle Ward. 2004. 404 pages.
How U.S. history is portrayed in textbooks from around the world.
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Article. By Alison Kysia. 2013.
History of a little-known student resistance movement against McCarthyism and censorship.
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Book — Non-fiction. By Myles Horton with Herbert R. Kohl and Judith Kohl. 1997. 167 pages.
History of the role the Highlander Folk School played in the labor and Civil Rights Movements.
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Nearly 500 white men destroyed the integrated Noyes Academy in Canaan, New Hampshire.
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