Educator and civil rights organizer Septima Clark was born in South Carolina.
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Nadine and Patsy Córdova were targets of a white supremacist campaign after teaching ethnic studies through resources like 500 Years of Chicano History and sponsoring the school’s first chapter of MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán).
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In the case of John T. Scopes vs. the State of Tennessee, the defendant, Scopes, was found guilty and fined $100 for teaching about evolution — which was illegal in the state at the time.
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Five students from Indiana University at Bloomington (IU) started the Green Feather Movement to protest censorship.
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Howard University students seized the Administration Building, demanding changes in the discipline policy, the addition of courses in African American history, and more.
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Opening of the Malcolm X Liberation University in Durham, North Carolina.
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The Tuskegee Student Uprising of 1968 was one of many instances when Black students fought to expand educational opportunities and create more equity on college campuses.
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Four students and a staffer at the University of South Florida faced felony charges following a rally protesting Florida governor DeSantis’ continued restrictions on and defunding of education in the state.
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Students at Brown University went on strike to demand that the university take a stand against the escalation of the Vietnam War into neighboring Cambodia.
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With a list of five demands, Black and Puerto Rican students at City College of New York (CCNY) orchestrated a campus-wide closure that lasted more than two weeks.
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Book — Non-fiction. By Debbie Levy. 2025. 288 pages.
The story of John Scope, a Tennessee teacher who was found guilty of teaching about evolution, and the nationwide debate that followed about what students should learn in school.
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