Theme: Climate Justice

Climate Justice
Aani and the Tree Huggers

Aani and the Tree Huggers

Book — Historical fiction. By Jeannine Atkins. Illustrated by Venantius J. Pinto. 2000. 32 pages.
Based on an event that took place in India in the 1970s, children and women in the village hug the trees to save them from being logged.
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The Story of Stuff Project

Film. By Annie Leonard. 2009. 21 minutes.
Series of short films on environmental and economic issues that make complicated issues easy to understand for middle school to adult viewers.
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Coal Mountain Elementary

Book — Non-fiction. By Mark Nowak. 2009. 190 pages.
An expose of the coal industry using a combination of poetry, images, first person testimonies, and newspaper accounts.
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Ninth Ward (Book) | Zinn Education Project: Teaching People's History

Ninth Ward

Book — Historical fiction. By Jewell Parker Rhodes. 2010. 224 pages.
Historical fiction for grades 6-12 about the devastation when the levees broke in New Orleans and how people drew on their wits, community, and history to survive.
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Website. Building a global grassroots movement to solve the climate crisis by pushing for policies that will put the world on track to get to 350 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere.
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Bridge the Gulf

Website. A citizen journalism and new-media initiative for Gulf Coast communities to convey their stories and their visions.
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Film. Directed by Josh Fox. 2010. 107 minutes.
When filmmaker Josh Fox is asked to lease his land for drilling, he crosses the country and uncovers a trail of contamination.
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Same Sun Here

Book — Fiction. By Silas House and Neela Vaswani. 2013. 304 pages.
Two 12-year old pen pals find commonalities in issues of the environment, immigration, employment, and overall human rights.
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