More than 100,000 students stayed out of school to protest inequality and segregation in Chicago, Illinois.
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Police arrived at the Stonewall Inn and arrested anyone found to be cross-dressing, resulting in mayhem and what are now referred to as the Stonewall Riots. This was a milestone in a long history of LGBTQ+ activism.
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Teaching Activity. By Ursula Wolfe-Rocca. Rethinking Schools. 29 pages.
Through examining FBI documents, students learn the scope of the FBI’s COINTELPRO campaign to spy on, infiltrate, discredit, and disrupt all corners of the Black Freedom Movement.
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The bodies of three lynched civil rights workers (James Chaney, Michael Schwerner, and Andrew Goodman) were found in Neshoba County, Mississippi.
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Digital collection. The Library of Congress has launched an online collection of oral history interviews with Civil Rights Movement veterans.
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Book — Non-fiction. By Robert Cohen. 2018. 312 pages.
A historical overview and diary entries from Howard Zinn's years as an activist professor at Spelman College.
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Teaching Activity. By Adam Sanchez. Rethinking Schools. 24 pages.
A series of role plays that explore the history and evolution of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, including freedom rides and voter registration.
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Article. By Clyde Kennard. 1959.
Letter to the editor the Hattiesburg American about race and integration.
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Book — Non-fiction. By Jeanne Theoharis. 2018. 282 pages.
A non-academic, popular historiography that challenges educators to revamp curriculum to include a fuller, more critical history of the Civil Rights era.
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A. Philip Randolph, Jackie Robinson, Coretta Scott King, Harry Belafonte, Bayard Rustin, and more led a Youth March for Integrated Schools in Washington, D.C.
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Luther Jackson was murdered by Philadelphia, Mississippi policeman Lawrence Rainey.
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After a 381-day boycott, a federal ruling declared the Alabama laws requiring segregated buses to be unconstitutional.
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Book — Non-fiction. By Barbara Ransby. 2018. 240 pages.
"A love letter to the organizers in the Movement for Black Lives, and a tribute to their increasingly expansive vision."
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Hundreds of Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party supporters went to support the Challenge to the seating of the Mississippi delegation.
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Julian Bond was finally sworn in as a member of the Georgia House of Representatives.
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The Georgia State House of Representatives refused to seat elected state representative Julian Bond due to his public statements against the Vietnam War.
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Patricia Stephens Due is arrested by the police in the segregated lobby of the Florida Theater in Tallahassee.
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Picture book. By Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich. Illustrated by Jade Johnson. 2018. 32 pages.
The true story of a teacher who led her students to take direct non-violent action to protest segregation.
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More than 450,000 New York City school children boycotted school as part of a protest for quality schools for Black and Latino students.
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Picture book. By Alice Faye Duncan. Illustrated by R. Gregory Christie. 2018. 40 pages.
A historical fiction picture book that presents the story of nine-year-old Lorraine Jackson, who in 1968 witnessed the Memphis sanitation strike.
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