Theme: Art & Music

Below are books and lessons for K-12 on art and music.
For teachers looking for posters and other artwork for their classrooms, check out People’s History Artists for the Classroom.
Artists in Times of War

Artists in Times of War

Book — Non-fiction. By Howard Zinn. 2004. 112 pages.
In this collection of four essays, Zinn writes about the unique role of artists, activists, and publishers in working toward change.
Teaching Activity by Howard Zinn
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Fasanella - The Great Strike | Zinn Education Project

Bread and Roses

Song. Reprinted from Labor Notes 2007.
Links issues of economic security and quality of life, also addresses the role of women in the struggle for justice.
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The Dreamer

Book — Fiction. By Pam Muñoz Ryan. 2010. 384 pages.
An introduction to the life of Pablo Neruda as a child in historical fiction for young adults.
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Robeson in Spain

Book — Non-fiction. By The Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives. 2009. 25 pages.
Booklet in graphic novel format on Paul Robeson's involvement in the Spanish Civil War.
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I and I: Bob Marley

Picture book. By Tony Medina. Illustrations by Jesse Joshua Watson. 2009. 48 pages.
The life of Bob Marley told through poems and illustrations.
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I See the Rhythm

Picture book. By Toyomi Igus and Michele Wood. 2005. 32 pages.
A lyrical voyage through 500 years of African American music, from its roots in Africa to contemporary hip-hop for ages 6+.
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