Why I Registered

We love hearing how people found us and why they’ve signed up to access people’s history lessons from the Zinn Education Project.

Below are a few reasons people shared when they registered at our site recently.

I love the resources! — San Lorenzo, California

You have cool lessons. — Katy, Texas

I believe in the mission of the Zinn Education Project. — Madison, Tennessee

I need your amazing resources to teach about resistance and the power we all have in the face of oppression! — New York, New York

I’m trying to decolonize our curriculum, particularly for our multilingual learners.
— Worcester, Massachusetts

I love the materials y’all have and I’ve used them at my previous school.
— McLeansville, North Carolina

I’ve been following ZEP for years and I’m excited to use these resources in my classroom! — Whitewater, Wisconsin

A colleague has used your material before and I want to have full access. — Seattle, Washington

I have been a long-time fan of the Zinn Ed Project! I am putting together a lesson on COINTELPRO and realized there is a ton of material here. — Providence, Rhode Island

To access resources and lesson plans that offer students a perspective that centers historically marginalized and working class people. — Brattleboro, Vermont

More than 166,500 educators have signed up to access people’s history lessons. Please donate so that we can continue to provide our lessons for free and defend teachers’ right to use them.

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