The date ended up being more significant than one could have been imagined. The pall of the impending execution of death row inmate Troy Davis hung in the air. Emcee-for-the-evening Dave Zirin, wearing an “I Am Troy Davis” T-shirt, said it most bluntly. While acknowledging how far the struggle for justice has come, he decried “the legal lynching going on in Georgia.” He then led a heartfelt call of “They say death row” and the room resounded with the response of “We say hell no!”
The evening was hosted by Howard Zinn’s son Jeff Wolf Zinn and Busboys and Poets owner Andy Shallal. We thank Busboys and Poets, the speakers, staff, volunteers, supporters who helped make the night sparkle with hope and possibility.
Event photos by Jack Gordon and Rick Reinhard. The event audio, video, and technical direction by Bobby Marshall, RCM Productions. Video editing and production by Lauren Cooper. Read more.
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