The African National Congress called on parents to withdraw their children from schools to resist the 1953 Bantu Education Act.
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Frank S. Emi protested the draft during Japanese American incarceration and was interrogated.
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California newspaper owner and anti-Klan activist Charlotta Spears Bass became the first African American nominated to be a U.S. political party's vice-presidential candidate.
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The West Point Cemetery in Norfolk, Virginia was established to provide a burial area for Black soldiers and sailors who fought to preserve the Union.
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The 15th Amendment to the United States Constitution was formally adopted.
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The last U.S. combat troops left South Vietnam, ending direct U.S. military involvement in the Vietnam War.
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The U.S. Supreme Court issued its landmark decision in United States v. Wong Kim Ark.
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Nine Tougaloo College students and members of the Jackson Youth Council of the NAACP staged a sit-in to protest segregation at the Jackson Public Library in 1961 and were subsequently arrested.
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Staged ride-ins during Reconstruction in South Carolina were among the first (recorded) organized protests of segregation on a streetcar.
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Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X met briefly by chance as they were waiting for a press conference.
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The Trail of Tears removed Cherokee Indians from their ancestral home in the Smoky Mountains to the Oklahoma Territory.
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The Selma marches were three protest marches about voting rights, held in 1965.
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Viola Liuzzo (April 11, 1925 – March 25, 1965), Civil Rights activist, was murdered in 1965 by the KKK after the Selma to Montgomery March.
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Nine young African Americans were falsely charged with rape and collectively served more than 100 years in prison.
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A network of religious congregations that became known as the Sanctuary Movement started with a Presbyterian church and a Quaker meeting in Tucson, Arizona.
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Archbishop Óscar Romero of El Salvador was assassinated by U.S.-backed death squads.
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A U.S. Supreme Court decision bans poll taxes for state and local elections.
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Mary Ann Shadd Cary published the first edition of “The Provincial Freeman,” Canada’s first anti-slavery newspaper.
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The Selma to Montgomery marchers traveled into Lowndes County, working with local leaders to organize residents into a new political organization: the Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO).
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