On July 12, 1964 the bodies of Charles Eddie Moore, a college student, and Henry Hezekiah Dee, a millworker, both 19 and from Franklin County, Mississippi, were found.
On May 2, 1964, they had been abducted by Ku Klux Klan members, tortured, and drowned in the Mississippi River.
Their bodies were found, but then ignored by the authorities (some who were complicit in the horrific crime), during the search for Freedom Summer volunteers James Chaney, Andy Goodman, and Micky Schwerner.

Henry Dee and Charles Moore.
It was not until four decades later when Canadian filmmakers learned about and actively pursued the case, along with Thomas Moore (Charles’s older brother), that charges were filed.
Learn More
Civil Rights Cold Case Project article
Mississippi Cold Case documentary film, written and directed by David Ridgen.
Someone Knows Something podcast
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