This is the list of people who have signed the pledge or petition to date.
Stan Karp
I want my grandchildren to learn the real history of the US so they can make the future a more just and more democratic society for all.
Christine Woyshner | King Of Prussia, PA
Deborah Fournier | Lynnwood, WA
We MUST tell the story of oppression and restriction of nonwhites in our country's history. We owe it to our students to know the truth so they can make better decisions for our future.
Jill Grimm | Rosedale, MD
I teach Reconstruction to my 8th grade students. This is crucial historical knowledge for all students, especially students who are black and brown.
Phillip Jordan | Ithaca, NY
Jenny Witherell | Santa Barbara, CA
Terryl Miller | Pleasant Hill, CA
One way to better understand the hold institutional racism has on our lives/communities today is to study and learn from the past. Teaching about Reconstruction can help us to learn about, to foster dialogue around issues and perspectives around racial inequalities.
Alexus McIntyre | Clarksburg, MD
Joy Ramsey | Thompsonville, IL
The Truth is all that matters. Anything done in the past is probably important to us today. In the quest to bring Americans of every ethnic and color together, we must teach the Truth. I capitalize Truth because the American people have been lied to for years. Black history and the Jim Crow era must be taught today. It is essential.
CodiAnne Corpening | Littleton, CO
Dakota Saukel | Denver, CO
Nicolle Ramos | Fremont, CA
Terrance Johnson | Brooklyn, NY
Erica Hoffman | Austin, TX
Cristy Moran | Fort Lauderdale, FL
Leon Robinson | Los Angeles, CA
Vedia Barnett | White Plains, MD
A Rashidi | Smyrna, GA
Jane Regan | Bristol, VT
Alexandra Cruz | Ocala, FL
Jon Knowles | New York, NY
Racism is a very important part of our history and should not be ignored.
Derek J | Savannah, GA
Because hiding history is nefarious
Shawn Leigh Alexander | Lawrence, KS
John Mize | Portageville, MO
Jeff Godowski | Ithaca, NY
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