This is the list of people who have signed the pledge or petition to date.
Jeffrey Seitelman | Seal Beach, CA
A neglected but vital part of our history and highlights the manner in which post Civil War politics over-rode the attempt to give freed slaves liberty and economic rights.
Lindsay Colf | St. George, VT
Julia Loving | Bronx, NY
Madaline Carnabuci | Brockton, MA
Joe Meyer | Happy Valley, OR
alicia cohen | Sterling, VA
The country was moving in the right direction for full citizenship for the emancipated enslaves but Americans need to know the full story about the white compromise and the rise of racism to control black bodies. There is a need for all to know the negative impact that was left for all.
Katie Court | San Luis Obispo, CA
Margaret Cassidy | San Jose, CA
Reconstruction is a time when there was a chance and the hope of actually doing the right thing. Why wouldn’t we teach it so we can learn from it an actually try and make good on our promise of “liberty and Justin for all”?
Kylie Fisher | Covington, LA
Thankfully my current school teaches it, but many schools don't including my past schools. I've learned a lot and this topic builds a foundation for future ones that you can't fully understand without it.
Paula Williams | Anchorage, AK
Jennifer Susko | Atlanta , GA
Libero Della Piana | New York, NY
Brett Stockdill | Chicago, IL
Nichole Anderson | Rolling Meadows, IL
Christine Stocke | Madison, WI
Lynn Budde | Milwaukee, WI
Corin McGee | Brockton, MA
I think it’s important all kids to experience and see real life evidence of success and justice for everyone
EILEEN MASSEY | Emeryville, CA
Understanding Reconstruction changes one's understanding of today. Until this is understood, things won't change enough.
Christopher Strahler | Fryeburg, ME
Peter Parsons | Gloucester, MA
Real History demands TRUTH AND HONESTY!
Lucy Griswold | Saint Petersburg, FL
Patricia Kunkel | Oklahoma City, OK
Kevin SMITH | Attleboro, MA
Jaime Hardgrove | Nashotah, WI
Lauren Hague | Arlington, MA
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