Clint Smith | Zinn Education Project

Clint Smith on Teaching About Structural Racism

Poet and educator Clint Smith wrote reflections in a tweet thread after visiting young people in a juvenile detention center. His description of what has been missing from their formal education serves to explain the purpose of many of our lessons.
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Oregon | Zinn Education Project

Job Announcement: Portland Public Schools Climate Justice Coordinator

This is one of the most important new school district positions available: a full-time Climate Justice Coordinator for Portland (Ore.) Public Schools. There will be the opportunity to have a profound impact, since the Climate Justice Coordinator would work with the Portland Public Schools Climate Justice Committee, student activists, frontline communities, and classroom teachers.
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Ten Most Popular People’s History Lessons in 2018

In 2018, teachers across the United States downloaded people’s history lessons from the Zinn Education Project website a total of 50,000 times. Here are the ten most frequently downloaded lessons. We need YOUR support so that we can reach more teachers with resources for teaching people’s history and add more lessons in 2019.
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Black Lives Matter at School (Logo) | Zinn Education Project

Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action 2019

Black Lives Matter at School is a national coalition of educators organizing for racial justice in schools. Although there are many ways educators can participate in the week of action, we hope educators will make a commitment to teach a wide variety of lessons centering Black history and literature
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Howard Zinn Protesting Vietnam War | Zinn Education Project

Howard Zinn on Supreme Court vs. the Power of the People

As you know, the Senate just confirmed a new Supreme Court Justice, hand-picked by the far-right Federalist Society. For hope and solace, activists have turned once again to the words of Howard Zinn — to remind us that in the end, it is the power of the people that leads to real change.
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