Teach Truth Organizing Workshop

More than 60 teachers and other school staff attended the workshop on organizing issues related to the GOP attacks on teaching history. This was also an opportunity to learn from presenters and meet other organizers from across the country.
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Teach Climate Justice During UN Climate Summit

The UN COP26 climate summit starts this week in Glasgow, Scotland. But our so-called leaders are not leading on the climate emergency and corporate media is not sounding the alarm nor informing the public. Therefore, it is essential that teachers make space in our classrooms to highlight the emergency and help students work for real solutions.
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Climate Justice Education: The Time Is Now

The climate crisis is not going away — as fires in the West, hurricanes in the South, and floods in the East make clear. But with each new disaster, there is a new opportunity to convince schools that the time to teach climate justice is now. We cannot do that without your help.
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Urgent Call: Teach Climate Justice

The newest International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, compiled by hundreds of experts and scientists over the last eight years, was released this week. The deep inequality that is both cause and consequence of the climate emergency is at the heart of our insistence on teaching for climate justice.
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Athletes for #TeachTruth

Athletes are collaborating to support teachers who have pledged to teach truthfully about U.S. history in the face of initiatives around the country that would prohibit educators from teaching forthrightly about our country’s history of racial inequality and how this has shaped our society today.
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