Why I Registered

Hundreds of educators register for free each month at the Zinn Education Project to access lessons and other resources. Here’s why.
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Students Read and Critique Executive Orders

Executive Orders on language, education, and climate have a profound impact on students’ lives. Therefore, young people should be invited to read and critique them. The Hillsdale College 1776 Curriculum is another text that merits critical attention.
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Black Teachers: A Pedagogy of Organized Resistance

Historians Jarvis Givens and Imani Perry will discuss the Black Teacher Archive, which centralizes materials created by professional organizations of African American educators. This session is part of the Zinn Education Project’s Teach the Black Freedom Struggle online people’s history series.
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Why I Registered

Hundreds of educators register for free each month at the Zinn Education Project to access lessons and other resources. Here’s why.
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#TeachTruth Syllabus

We offer this #TeachTruthSyllabus as a gesture of defiance and education. The Right would be happy to keep the conversation at the level of obfuscation, divorced from reality and history. We, on the other hand, want to talk about the truth — the truth about our past and present, the truth about our classrooms and curricula.
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Question the President

This Presidents Day, rather than mythologize past presidents as kinder and gentler than Trump, let's remind students that this country has been at its best when people have organized to question and challenge presidents — opposing presidential support for slavery, war, invasion, segregation, and injustice of all kinds. 
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Why I Registered

Hundreds of educators register for free each month at the Zinn Education Project to access lessons and other resources. Here’s why.
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Teaching in Perilous Times

Educators are teaching in perilous times. We face a white supremacist backlash — funded by billionaires — against the 2020 uprising for Black lives, when tens of millions built a multiracial movement against systemic racism.
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Traveling Black: A Long Journey of Resistance

Historian Mia Bay will discuss the her book, Traveling Black: A Story of Race and Resistance, which explores racial restrictions on transportation and resistance to the injustice. This session is part of the Zinn Education Project’s Teach the Black Freedom Struggle online people’s history series.
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NOT a Natural Disaster

The climate crisis is not in some distant future. It is being felt around the world with heatwaves, floods, and most dramatically with the wildfires in Los Angeles. Our hearts go out to the residents, who face the tragic loss of lives, homes, schools, and entire communities.
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