Thanks to generous donors, the Zinn Education Project can offer 500 copies of Original Sins: The (Mis)Education of Black and Native Children and the Construction of American Racism to teachers, teacher educators, school librarians, and curriculum specialists.
We are offering single copies with a limited number of sets of five. Everyone requesting a copy of the book will be asked to describe how they will use them. As long as you meet the criteria and respond to the questions as asked, you will receive at least one copy of the book.
To request the books, respond to the questions below on this form.
- Offer a description of how you will use these book. If requesting a set of five, you will be asked to provide a more detailed explanation as to how you will use them since there are a limited number of those sets.
- To help spread the word about the book, we ask recipients to plan to give it visibility. Tell how you might do that. It could be writing a review for Goodreads or other book platforms, a story from you about how you incoporated what you learned into the curriculum, a photo of you with the book on social media, or other ideas you have.
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