Resource Type: Books: Non-Fiction

Below is a collection of our recommended non-fiction books for readers at middle school level and above. You can find non-fiction illustrated books for children in our Picture Books collection.
Rethinkg School Reform (Book Cover) | Zinn Education Project

Rethinking School Reform: Views from the Classroom

Book — Non-fiction. Edited by Linda Christensen and Stan Karp. 2003. Rethinking Schools. 350 pages.
This collection offers insights into a broad range of education issues, including vouchers and funding, multiculturalism, standards and testing, unions, bilingual education, and federal policy.
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Book cover of Clint Smith's book of poetry, Counting Descent

Counting Descent

Book — Non-fiction. By Clint Smith. 2016. 84 pages.
A teacher and scholar celebrates Black humanity, and guides readers toward self-reflection through his coming-of-age poems that are political, historical, and deeply personal.
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1919 by Eve Ewing book cover


Book — Non-fiction. By Eve L. Ewing. 2019. 96 pages.
Poetic reflections on the Chicago Race Riots of 1919 — part of 'Red Summer' — in a history told through Ewing's speculative and Afrofuturist lenses.
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Teaching When the World Is on Fire

Book — Non-fiction. Edited by Lisa Delpit. 2019. 272 pages.
Essays and interviews from beloved, well-known educators, dynamic principals, and classroom teachers who tackle difficult topics in 21st-century K–12 schools.
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