Teaching Guides

Teaching Palestine: Lessons, Stories, Voices

Teaching Guide. Edited by Bill Bigelow, Jesse Hagopian, Suzanna Kassouf, Adam Sanchez, and Samia Shoman. 2025.
Provides educators with powerful tools to uncover the history and current context of Palestine-Israel in the classroom.

Time Periods: 19th Century, 20th Century
Themes: Wars & Related Anti-War Movements, World History/Global Studies

Palestine has long been one of the great silences in the official curriculum. Teaching Palestine: Lessons, Stories, Voices provides educators with powerful tools to uncover the history and current context of Palestine-Israel in the classroom — poetry, personal narratives, interviews, role plays, critical reading and writing activities, and more. Teaching Palestine offers a full-throated defense of Palestinian humanity centering Palestinian lives, uplifting and celebrating Palestinians’ struggle for justice, and critiquing racism and inequality. [Description by Rethinking Schools.]

ISBN: 9780942961492 | Rethinking Schools


Teaching Palestine is an urgently needed resource for teachers and students. It fills a huge gap in the school curriculum with regard to a hundred-year-old injustice in whose perpetuation the United States is deeply complicit. There is no better time to publish such a rich resource than now, when the whole world, especially young people, are watching genocide in Gaza being committed with impunity. They want to learn more about the Palestinian story from the Palestinians and their supporters. This book provides resources for a deep, objective understanding of the issues. — Mona Khalidi, Former librarian at University of Chicago Lab Schools and assistant dean of student affairs and the assistant director of graduate studies of the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University. And Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said Professor Emeritus of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University and author of The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017

This book is a brilliant and much-needed antidote to the biased, distorted, and harmful narratives in schools and mainstream media that dehumanize Palestinians and justify their death and dispossession. Thoughtfully curated for educators, this collection is just as essential for organizers working for justice from the U.S. to Palestine. I’m especially grateful for the accessible resources that explain how false accusations of antisemitism are weaponized to shield the Israeli government from accountability for decades of oppression of Palestinians. Instead, this collection situates the fight against antisemitism exactly where it belongs: alongside, and inseparable from the struggle for Palestinian freedom. This book is a generous offer for all of us fighting for that world — where Palestinians, and all people, live with justice, dignity and freedom. — Stefanie Fox, Executive Director, Jewish Voice for Peace


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