

Film. Directed by Josh Fox. 2010. 107 minutes.
When filmmaker Josh Fox is asked to lease his land for drilling, he crosses the country and uncovers a trail of contamination.

Time Periods: 2001-, 21st Century
Themes: Climate Justice, Environment

“The largest domestic natural gas drilling boom in history has swept across the United States. The Halliburton-developed drilling technology of “fracking” or hydraulic fracturing has unlocked a “Saudia Arabia of natural gas” just beneath us. But is fracking safe? When filmmaker Josh Fox is asked to lease his land for drilling, he embarks on a cross-country odyssey uncovering a trail of secrets, lies and contamination.

Climate Justice More Resources Ad | Zinn Education ProjectA recently drilled nearby Pennsylvania town reports that residents are able to light their drinking water on fire. This is just one of the many absurd and astonishing revelations of a new country called GASLAND. Part verite travelogue, part expose, part mystery, part bluegrass banjo meltdown, part showdown.”

The website includes resources for learning more about the consequences of hydraulic fracturing and for taking action to stop fracking. [Description from Gasland website.]


Related Resources

Image by Michael Duffy.

Fracking: In the end, we’re all downstream. A 9th grade teacher describes how she uses Gasland to help her students explore the environmental and social impact of the hydraulic extraction of natural gas. (Rethinking Schools, Summer 2012) Democracy Now! interviews with Gasland filmmaker Josh Fox.


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