Burglund students walked out in response to the expulsions of their classmates and the murder of Herbert Lee.
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Freedom Riders traveling from New Orleans, Louisiana to Jackson, Mississippi were arrested in 1961.
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Founding of the youth-led Civil Rights Movement organization, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.
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Luther Jackson was murdered by Philadelphia, Mississippi policeman Lawrence Rainey.
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Rev. George W. Lee, one of the first African Americans registered to vote in Humphreys County since Reconstruction and head of the Belzoni, Mississippi NAACP, was murdered.
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Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer, a civil rights activist, was born in Montgomery County, Mississippi.
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Mississippi adopted a state constitution with poll tax and literacy tests to roll back the gains of the Reconstruction era.
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F. M. B. “Marsh” Cook, a white man, was killed for standing up against the white supremacist 1890 Mississippi Constitutional Convention.
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Blanche K. Bruce became Register of the Treasury, which placed his name on all U.S. currency.
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Nearly 50 African-Americans were killed by white mobs during the Clinton Riot.
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White people attacked and killed many Black citizens who had organized for a Black sheriff to remain in office during the Vicksburg Massacre.
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Adelbert Ames become the elected governor of Mississippi during the Reconstruction era.
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