My students completed a project to voice their concern over a proposed law to ban Howard Zinn works in Arkansas (classrooms). In their project, they formed a grass roots organization to stop the bill and wrote to their state legislators.
Related Resources
Arkansas Bill Attempts to Ban Books by Howard Zinn in Schools
As reported in the Arkansas Times, pending legislation would prohibit any publicly supported schools in Arkansas “from including in its curriculum or course materials any books or other material authored by or concerning Howard Zinn.”
Hundreds of Arkansas Teachers Request Howard Zinn’s A People’s History
Maybe you’ve heard: Legislation just proposed in Arkansas would ban books by or about Howard Zinn from all public schools in the state.
In solidarity with Arkansas educators and students, the Zinn Education Project is offering to send a book by Howard Zinn and A People’s History for the Classroom to any Arkansas teacher who requests them.
From Oregon to Arkansas: Howard Zinn Book Drive Ties People Together
During the Howard Zinn book drive for Arkansas, we posted this note from Harrisburg, Arkansas high school teacher Morgan Garland: “I only have one copy of Howard Zinn’s book and I make copies of each chapter for all of my students.” Garland could not afford a class set. A Zinn Education Project Facebook fan, Yarrow from southern Oregon, saw the post and decided to take action.
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