Books: Non-Fiction

A Dangerous Idea: The Scopes Trial, the Original Fight over Science in Schools

Book — Non-fiction. By Debbie Levy. 2025. 288 pages.
The story of John Scope, a Tennessee teacher who was found guilty of teaching about evolution, and the nationwide debate that followed about what students should learn in school.

Time Periods: 1920
Themes: Education

In 1925, when Tennessee lawmakers banned the teaching of evolution in public schools, teacher John Scopes challenged the law — and set off a gripping circus of a legal battle. Two masterminds faced off in a blistering courtroom debate over creationism and natural selection, each armed with the books they believed belonged in classrooms.

Celebrity politician William Jennings Bryan relied on the Bible to make his case, while legal luminary Clarence Darrow defended Charles Darwin’s groundbreaking books On the Origin of Species and The Descent of Man. Their clash would go down in history as the Scopes Monkey Trial.

A century later, here is the riveting truth of what happened and why it matters. [Adapted from publishers’ description.]

ISBN: 9781547612215 | Bloomsbury Children’s Books

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