Books: Non-Fiction

Portraits of Peacemakers: Americans Who Tell the Truth

Book — Non-fiction. By Robert Shetterly. 2024. 128 pages.
Loving, colorful portraits and short biographies of 50 peace activists.

Time Periods: All US History
Themes: Laws & Citizen Rights, Organizing, Racism & Racial Identity

The third volume in Robert Shetterly’s Americans Who Tell the Truth series features Shetterly’s loving, colorful portraits and short biographies of 50 peace activists, along with essays by a few of the individuals highlighted in the book: Chris Hedges, Kali Rubaii, Paul K. Chappell, Medea Benjamin, Alice Rothchild, and David Swanson.

In describing what animated his choice to assemble these portraits, Shetterly writes,

Each person portrayed in this book teaches us a particular lesson of peacemaking. We need them all. They all have vision, creativity, and the courage to resist warmaking. They are heroes, not for going to war, but for having refused to  participate in the violence and in the culture of violence. Let them be your guides.

Portraits of Peacemakers is a gift to educators. At a time when the virus of cynicism threatens to infect young people everywhere, this warm and wise community of truthtellers offers an alternative to despair. Robert Shetterly’s collection of courageous activists belongs in every classroom, every school library. [Description from Rethinking Schools]

ISBN: 9781613322567 | New Village Press

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