Prentiss Charney Fellows 2024–2026

We are thrilled to announce our second class of Zinn Education Project Prentiss Charney fellows for the 2024–2026 school years. The fellowship offers support for a cohort of people’s history educator leaders to study, learn, and organize together for two years.


Once again, educators are at the center of battles over what U.S. history children will learn and the kind of future they will create. We face a new McCarthyism with book bans, laws restricting what educators can teach about white supremacy, efforts to conscript school personnel into anti-LGBTQ+ persecution, and more. The goal: to enforce an unjust, unsafe status quo. The stakes could not be higher.

The right wing uses its immense wealth and the complicity of the mainstream press to fan the fires of bigotry and repression. To fight back, we need to support educators who will teach, organize, write, create, and build — like the 18 passionate and committed education activists who make up the 2024–2026 Prentiss Charney Fellows.

Meet the Prentiss Charney Fellows

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