Transgender Justice in Schools

Book — Non-fiction. Edited by Linda Christensen and Ty Marshall. 2024. Rethinking Schools.
Inspirational stories from trans students and educators and resources for teachers, students, and parents seeking to build communities where everyone flourishes.

Transgender Justice in Schools provides inspirational stories from trans students and educators and resources for teachers, students, and parents seeking to build communities where everyone flourishes. This book will educate, challenge, inspire — and save lives.

This book’s relevance is undeniable in light of the ongoing assaults on trans youth; it serves as a vital guide toward education justice. Each author’s narrative is steeped in love and compassion, offering invaluable resources for LGBTQ youth to not only find representation in classrooms but also for their peers to see their humanity. It transcends fear and rejection, presenting queerness as a liberating space for all. Fueled by courage and love, it provides the support LGBTQ youth require in these challenging times. — Bettina L. Love,  William F. Russell Professor, Teachers College, Columbia University; author of Punished for Dreaming: How School Reform Harms Black Children and How We Heal

ISBN: 9780942961461 | Rethinking Schools

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