Zinn Education Project Reviewed in Language Arts Journal

The Zinn Education Project was one of four titles featured in the Professional Book Reviews section of the September 2010 issue of the Language Arts journal. Language Arts, a publication of the National Council of Teachers of English, reaches more than 9,000 elementary and middle school/junior high teachers and teacher educators with each issue. Author Jesse Gainer selected websites and books that “offer educators background, ideas, and examples on how to incorporate critical media literacy into the curriculum regardless of the age of the students.”

Jesse Gainer

Gainer’s review of the Zinn Education Project began, “If you have read Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States, the chances are you can remember exactly when you read it and how much it transformed your worldview. I know this is true for me, and it’s also true for the people who put together this outstanding website dedicated to helping teachers implement the spirit of Zinn’s work in middle school and high school classrooms.” More…