This is the list of people who have signed the pledge or petition to date.
Dan Slagter | Wyoming, MI
It is essential that all people know that they are enough.
Meaghan Gunner-Zoerman | Wyoming, MI
Karyn Hollis | Wynnewood, PA
I believe in this cause!
Kathryn Chojnacki | Chubbuck, ID
I support teaching history as it is, no matter how difficult the topic. History is truth.
Eric Rude | Pocatello, ID
In order to make the United States great, our youth need to understand who we are--the good and the bad.
Judith Soriano | Fort Worth, TX
We are not Nazi Germany -- yet -- where education became a tool of propaganda and books were burned in the streets. So, yes, the truth of Reconstruction must be taught so that students can understand the transition from slavery to Jim Crow to the Civil Rights movement to the renewed attack on voting rights in this country. Kids should know that the struggle for equality is a real one.
Patty Krockel | Patchogue, NY
Cassandra Lyons | Lexington, KY
Jennifer Arndt | Belleville, NJ
This is our story and it should be told to all!
Brenna McLaughlin | Brooklyn, NY
Ann Snide | Pelham, NH
Charles Pinderhughes | Newark, NJ
Robert Cleveland | Philadelphia, PA
History must be told correctly
Heather Siegfried | Portland, OR
Scott Hurley | Decorah, IA
Cheyne Rittenberry | Jonesboro, GA
I believe that the truth in history no matter how ugly and brutal liberates and protects our youth in the future as they become civic minded participants in their communities, state and nation. Understanding the past and how they are connected helps students to make informed decisions as it impacts their present
Ben Rall | Spokane, WA
Glenn Wilcha | Stroudsburg, PA
Ignorance of the past is unlikely to improve our future ! Let's try teaching the truth and see what happens!
Sonia Noemi Cross | Paradise, CA
I am a Taina from Puerto Rico. Spain were our first invaders.
Chelsea Murphy | Somerville, MA
Veronica McDonald | Tampa, FL
Meghan Haslam | Hudson, MA
stephen preskill | New York, NY
Marsha Lenox | Sherman Oaks, CA
If teaching the truth about American history is "un-American," then what does that say about the integrity of this country?
Valerie Street | Austin, TX
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