
Teaching About the Montgomery Bus Boycott

Film. By Teaching for Change. 2006. 15 minutes.
First grade teacher Maggie Donovan (SNCC veteran) introduces her students to the fight to desegregate the buses, placing Rosa Parks in the context of the larger community efforts.

Time Periods: 20th Century, 1961
Themes: African American, Civil Rights Movements, Organizing

Teaching About the Montgomery Bus BoycottA first grade teacher introduces her students to the struggle to desegregate the buses in Montgomery, placing Rosa Parks in the context of the larger community efforts. We see how the lesson involves families, promotes literacy, and culminates with a student-authored play.

Teaching About the Montgomery Bus Boycott documents the work of teacher Maggie N. Donovan and first graders in the Ezra H. Baker Elementary School in West Dennis, Massachusetts.

Produced by Teaching for Change. Funded by LEARN (Learning, Equity Achievement and Reform Network), a federally funded PT3 Project.


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